Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Blog News 10/5/10

For those of who that have been reading my blog in recent months.  Thank you very much for the support.  I also want to thank the LAMB blog for adding me to their list, which for you readers can see here.

Now that I'm starting to post a few music reviews.  I will have a review of the soundtrack to The Social Network tomorrow or sometime this week.  For me, anything related to Nine Inch Nails, Trent Reznor, and etc. takes me a while to really divulge into as I need repeated listens.  The soundtrack score that Reznor and Atticus Ross is brilliant and will definitely have a place in the best albums of 2010 (though it's unlikely I'll create a large list due to other things).

In the world of films, I am thinking of attending the Savannah Film Festival on October 30-November 6 where the films that will be playing are Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan, Mike Leigh's Another Year, David Lynch's 1986 classic Blue Velvet with special guest Isabella Rossellini will attend the screening, Danny Boyle's 127 Hours, and John Cameron Mitchell's Rabbit Hole.  I'm still thinking about whether or not to attend but I'll let everyone know what will happen.

The Auteurs project will continue hopefully this month as Todd Haynes will be the next director.  I have access to his earlier work while I have seen the film's he's done since Safe.  Darren Aronofsky will be the third part of the Auteurs series which I hope to come out in December.

As for the remaining films I hope to see for the end of the year, here is what I have slated (not counting the films that are set to play in Savannah):  Somewhere, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1, True Grit, and The Fighter

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