Monday, May 09, 2011

Blog News 5/9/11 & Blogging Around

For those of you who had been reading my Terrence Malick guide and my recent contributions to Internet memes. Thank you.

Coming Wednesday will be the 2011 Cannes Film Festival Marathon. I've added two more films to the marathon in Kelly Reichardt's Wendy & Lucy that won the 2008 Palm Dog Award at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival and Bob Fosse's 1979 film All That Jazz that co-won the Palme D'or at the 1980 Cannes Film Festival with Akira Kurosawa's Kagemusha. This will now be a total of 17 films for me to see. 15 of which will be films I haven't seen with 2 that I've seen and will expand my original reviews for its Criterion DVD content. Following the festival, I will make a list of the best films from that marathon along with fake awards similar to the ones Cannes present. After that, I will take a bit of time off so can I can prepare work on various projects including the fourth part of the Auteurs essay on Gus Van Sant, my 10th anniversary project on Ghost World, my 199120 7-part essay project, and my own script project.

In the world of the blogosphere, there is a lot that I've been reading and enjoying.

James @ Cinema Sights has a great review about The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl that explores the controversial filmmaker who made propaganda films for the Nazis.

CS @ Big Thoughts From a Small Mind & the Mad Hatter @ Dark of the Matinee are both doing some fantastic reviews of some documentaries. CS has a great review of Mighty Jerome that is interesting to read. Hatter has a wonderful review of Michael Rappaport's documentary on A Tribe Called Quest called Beats, Rhymes, & Life-The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest.

J.D. @ Radiator Heaven, there is a great review about the Criterion DVD to Brian de Palma's 1981 film Blow Out that is a film I've only seen parts of but really need to see in its entirety.

Dan @ Dan the Man's Movie Reviews is becoming of my favorite bloggers who I enjoy reading as he some wonderful insight on one of my favorite films The Fifth Element.

There's a couple of blogs that I've recently followed whose reviews I enjoy reading. First is M.Carter @ the Movies and Not Just Movies. For anyone that hasn't read these blogs. Check them out.

Well, that is all for the day.  On Wednesday will be the first of 17 reviews to appear from the 11 of May to the 22nd as the Cannes Film Festival will progress.  Until then, au revoir.  


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Hey bro thanks for the tag! Your becoming one of my favorites too!

  2. many thanks for the link good sir - I'm still rather humbled by the amount of people who kept up with my coverage this year!

  3. @Dan-You're welcome. I know you're younger than I am and believe me. If you were at where I used to write. They'd shit themselves and try to rip you off.

    @Mad Hatter-Keep up the good work. I'm loving your doc marathon.

  4. Thanks for the linkage! Much appreciated.

  5. @CS-You're welcome.
