Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The "Unofficial" Best of Films 2012

Now that 2012 is over, there are still a bunch of 2012 releases to look into. Films like Zero Dark Thirty and Amour are among the current releases to see as well as films that played in film festivals like To the Wonder, Frances Ha, Much Ado about Nothing, The Place Beyond the Pines, and several others. There's also other foreign films from 2012 that are set to arrive Atlanta as well as some other releases. So for now, this is another non-definitive list of the best of films of that year so are the 20 best films... so far... from the year 2012.

1. Holy Motors

2. Rust and Bone

3. The Master

4. Silver Linings Playbook

5. Looper

6. Django Unchained

7. Moonrise Kingdom

8. The Avengers

9. Skyfall

10. Everything or Nothing: The Untold Story of 007

11. Compliance

12. The Dark Knight Rises

13. Les Miserables

14. Life of Pi

15. Crossfire Hurricane

16. Killing Them Softly

17. Cloud Atlas

18. Brave

19. 21 Jump Street

20. Seven Psychopaths

Honorable Mentions: The Hunger Games and Wanderlust.

There's also been some pretty bad films I saw like Jack and Diane, A Thousand Words, and the bits I saw of Project X which were just flat-out terrible. I'm sure there's plenty of bad films that came out to see but I won't mention them. That is all for me to say as I will revisit 2012 when I create definitive list very soon.


  1. Zero Dark Thirty wont come out in my area til Jan 13. Since Much Ado About Nothing is being helmed by Joss Whedon it would have been great to cut a trailer of that and show it before The Avengers. They could even have a title card saying
    "From the Director of The Avengers"

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Alas, I haven't seen any of these movies yet though most of them are on my list. :-) I'm planning to see Looper tonight.

  3. @TheVern-Zero Dark Thirty is also coming to my local theater next week as I plan to see it with Promised Land (though I will keep my expectations very low due to the lukewarm reviews that film is seeing).

    @Quirky-I hope you enjoy Looper.

  4. Awesome. Holy Motors is my favorite of the year as well.

  5. @Dave Enkosky-That might change later as I'm going to see Amour this Saturday and the weekend after, Zero Dark Thirty and Promised Land.

  6. Oh shit man, this is a great list. You have no idea how pleased I am to see Rust and Bone so high on your list. I'm not sure anyone else in our blogging circle liked it as much as you and I. Damn shame.

  7. @Alex-I think people have issues with some of aspects of the film but you and I aren't bothered by it.

    I don't mind melodrama and I don't mind being manipulated if it has a good reason to do that.

    Tomorrow, I'm going to watch Amour so the list will definitely change.

  8. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Good to see someone else with Holy Motors on the top of their list - even if it's a preliminary list! An amazing film.

  9. @ccpopculture-So far as I'm still watching some 2012 films, it's still #1.

  10. Save a spot for Zero Dark Thirty it will easily make your list I think. It was awesome!

    Make sure to submit your list to our Lion 4 LAMBs event that is currently running! http://www.largeassmovieblogs.com/2013/01/the-6th-annual-lions-for-lambs.html

  11. @Shep. Burman, I already submitted something for the Lions for Lambs yesterday.

    Oh, and if you want to check out any updates on my lists, go here.
