Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Films That I Saw: December 2015

Despite the awful rain and inconsistent weather that had been looming throughout the holiday season, Christmas was still a good one as I got not just some money but used it to buy some DVDs and a new book shelf for those DVDs. I still have some money left but it’s really for clothes as I’m waiting for the post-New Years sale. I’m ready for putting 2015 out of the way as I’m also working on a final post for the year.

In the month of December, I saw a total of 36 films in 23 first-timers and 13 re-watches. Not bad as I did end the year on a high note as one of the highlights of the year was my final Blind Sport assignment for the year in Scarface. Here are the top 10 First-Timers of December 2015:

1. The Hateful Eight

2. Room

3. The Force Awakens

4. Love

5. Spotlight

6. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia

7. Kingsman: The Secret Service

8. The Deadly Companions

9. The Death of "Superman Lives": What Happened?

10. A Very Murray Christmas

Monthly Mini-Reviews


This film had all of the elements that couldn’t fail. A script co-written by the Coen Brothers, shot by Roger Deakins, and a score from Alexandre Desplat. Yet, the final result is just fucking boring. While Jack O’Connell tries to do all he can to create a captivating performance, it’s bogged down by many tropes that is expected in bio-pics. Much of the blame should go to Angelina Jolie for just going by the books with the film and to try to create something that is inspirational. It looks good but it never gets its hand dirty while just being way too conventional as Jolie should just stick to acting.

Frozen Fever

A short-sequel to the 2013 film that annoyed the hell out of many fathers and brothers is actually a very delightful short. It revolves around Elsa trying to create the ultimate birthday party for her sister Anna while dealing a cold. Along the way, hilarity ensues involving little snowmen and all sorts of shenanigans. Though the songs aren’t as memorable as the ones in Frozen. It is at least fun to see those characters again including Sven, Olaf, and Kristoff.

Fifty Shades of Grey

What happens when you take away the dangerous elements and fully-realized characters of Secretary as well as the playfulness of 9 ½ Weeks? You get this piece of shit film as it isn’t just one of the worst films ever made. It’s also a very misogynistic one for the fact that Dakota Johnson spends her time being a submissive and doing everything for this asswipe who looks like he had some dildo shoved up his ass. While Johnson does try to inject some life into the film while looking really good naked, there’s so much about the film that is so bad as well as being very fucking boring. Porno films are far more imaginative than this bullshit. No, actually. That’s insulting to porno films since they actually put time and effort into capturing sex on film no matter if there’s a story or not. Plus, why does Johnson have to be the one fully nude (despite sporting digitized pubic hair) yet Jamie Dornan only shows his ass? That is bullshit.

Toy Story That Time Forgot

I missed this when it first air the year before so I finally decided to see this and once again, Pixar delivers. It’s a TV special that manages to convey not just the humor and whimsical elements of the franchise but also gives Buzz, Woody, Rex, and Trixie a new adventure where they encounter new toys who haven’t been played with as they have no clue that they’re toys. It adds not just a lot of adventure where the character of Trixie would get a chance to be a key character of the franchise but also display the idea of what toys mean in a world where video games often take away the attention of playtime for children.

The Book of Life

This animated film that is produced by Guillermo del Toro is actually one of the most imaginative and creative films that I had ever seen. Largely as it’s set in Mexico about the Day of the Dead and revolves around three friends. It’s a film that has all sorts of things from being a comedy, a musical, a romance, and an adventure yet manages to be a lot without giving in to being identified as one kind of film. The casting of the voices from Zoe Saldana, Channing Tatum, Diego Luna, Hector Elizondo, Kate del Castillo, Ron Perlman, Placido Domingo, Ice Cube, Cheech Marin, and many others add a sense of vibrancy to the film as it manages to work and do a whole lot more.

Get a Horse!

This blend of old-school 2D hand-drawn animation and new-school 3-D computer animation is probably one of Disney Animation Studios’ finest experimental shorts. Yet, it is also one of their most accessible films to date where it took elements of an old Mickey Mouse cartoon from the past and then find ways to fuse it with new ideas as it also features archival voices from Walt Disney himself. It’s really a must-see for anyone that loves animated films as well as what Walt Disney has done for the genre.


OK, this young adult film adaptation genre has got to go as this film is the best example of why it’s jumped the shark. I do like Shailene Woodley, Miles Teller, Naomi Watts, Octavia Spencer, and Kate Winslet but man, they’re not given anything to do as they really don’t belong in this film. Woodley tries her best to make Tris important but the film is just a fucking mess. Awful visual effects, confusing storylines, and lots and lots and lots of emoting. I’d say it’s time for the franchise to just fucking die.

Top 10 Re-Watches:

1. Breaking the Waves

2. Enter the Dragon

3. Brokeback Mountain

4. Macbeth

5. Three Amigos!

6. The Big Chill

7. Home Alone

8. Four Weddings and a Funeral

9. D.C. Cab

10. Borat

Well, that is all for December. Later in the day, I will post a final list of what I saw in 2015 while January will be completely different. Aside from theatrical releases that I hope to see like The Revenant, Carol, Anamolisa, and Regression as well as Thesis by Alejandro Amenabar to start the next wave of the Auteurs pieces. I have no clue what I’ll watch for January as I’m just going to wing it and see what Blind Spot I will do to begin for the New Year. Until then, this is thevoid99 signing off…

© thevoid99 2015


  1. So you went ahead and watched Fifty Shades, anyway. Told ya.

    At least you saw plenty of other good stuff. D.C. Cab, FTW. And glad you like Book of Life. That's a seriously underrated flick. Happy New Year!!!

  2. I wanted to see how bad it was. Yeah, it's already in that list of the worst films ever made. The sequel I'm sure will be.... BORING!!!

    And yes, D.C. Cab FTW!!!! I don't care what anyone says, that film is fucking great. Definitely the best thing Joel Schumacher has ever done.
