Monday, September 30, 2019

Films That I Saw: September 2019

Autumn has arrived yet it still feels very warm here in Georgia as lately it takes a while for the cold to really come in. Yet, it’s just typical of what has been happening as it is clear that climate change is part of the reason for why the weather here in the South is out of whack at times. I have been paying attention to what Greta Thunberg had to say and she is spot on as I do worry about the future generation to come and go after people such as myself and others for not doing anything. I would want to do something but it’s the powers that be that are just fucking things up like usual as cunts like Boris Johnson and El Pendejo are just being total dumb-fucks. Yet, they’re being called out on it as the latter is right now in trouble as the impeachment process is starting to happen but slowly. I’m really hoping that it goes through but I’m also worried that things could go wrong.

I’ve been slowly trying to get myself back into writing reviews again though there’s times where I just don’t want to as either I spend time watching my nephew or just watch other things as I’m now getting excited for the arrival of All Elite Wrestling’s new TV program on TNT coming this Wednesday. Yet, all of the projects as it relates to the Auteurs series and a piece on the Marvel Cinematic Universe haven’t gone through as I’ve just been in limbo on the former while I haven’t gotten started on the latter. I’m just at a point of not being sure if I want to do it while other attempts to watch films haven’t gone great as there’s times where I’m just starting to lose interest. There’s been movies on my DVR that I haven’t had the time nor the desire to watch as I just delete them not really caring if I can get another chance to see them as it’s just been tough to just not really wanting to do anything.

I think it is part of the process of grief that I’m still going through as I’m also lamenting the fact that everything else that was part of my dad’s generation in the music that he listened to is likely going away the same way other forms of music from the past have gone away. The passing of Eddie Money and Ric Ocasek of the Cars have been shocking as I’m pondering that rock n’ roll is going away but what is to come? I honestly don’t like a lot of the music that’s out there right now and I don’t like what is called rock music these days. I think it’s just me feeling older but also just knowing that I’m still dealing with the fact that my dad is gone.

In the month of September, I saw a total of 28 films in 11 first-timers and 17 re-watches. An improvement of sorts yet I’ve been taking it easy lately as the highlight of the month has definitely been my Blind Spot choice in To Sleep with Anger. Here are my top 5 films that I saw for September 2019:

1. Ad Astra

2. King of New York

3. Aquaman

4. Mysterious Object at Noon

5. The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

Monthly Mini-Reviews

R.E.M. by MTV

R.E.M. will always be one of the greatest bands that ever lived as it’s been nearly eight years since they officially called it a day. This 2014 documentary essentially cultivates many of the band’s footage from MTV, VH1, and other programs to tell their story from their early beginnings to the band’s final years that include MTV News reports. It’s a film that fans of the band must see but it is also a unique take on the band’s story as it’s told mainly through archival footage rather than emphasize on new interviews and such as it’s really unnecessary considering that the band is no more as they’re focused on releasing reissues and other projects.

Strange Wilderness

From Happy Madison comes a film that is proof of how low they’re willing to appeal to the lowest common denominator. You would think that a film that features the likes of Steve Zahn, Jonah Hill, Ernest Borgnine, and Kevin Heffernan of Broken Lizard would be funny yet there’s only a laugh or two and that’s it. It’s a film about a guy trying to save his father’s TV program by doing stupid stunts relating to find animals and things as it’s just boring. It’s lazy in its approach to comedy and it never tries to do anything to make me care about the characters. It’s just awful and I’m sure Sony wondered why the hell did they fund this piece of shit?

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

The sequel to the 2014 film is definitely a joy to watch in not just in its entertainment value but also in its themes of growing up and identity. Especially as the themes relate to the protagonist Emmett who struggles to adapt to the new situation the other characters are in as he remains upbeat yet when he is trying to save his friends from a mysterious figure. Growing up proves to be much harder than it is as the film definitely manages to be engaging in its themes while it also has some nice musical numbers that include a few songs sung by Tiffany Haddish who proves that she has so much to offer.

Top 10 Re-Watches (that isn’t Lost in Translation):

1. House

2. Big Trouble in Little China

3. Police Story 2

4. Ratatouille

5. Monsoon Wedding

6. Marie Antoinette

7. Me, Myself, & Irene

8. The Kid Stays in the Picture

9. Spielberg

10. Bad Teacher

Well, that is it for September. In October, it’s the annual marathon of sorts of horror, suspense, and films that defy categories as I’ve made a private list of films that I hope to see for the month though it’s likely that it won’t be all of the ones I listed. As for theatrical releases, I’m hoping to see Joker, The Lighthouse, and Jojo Rabbit depending on the time that I have as watching a five-six month old kid is fucking hard work and you’re already tired during the weekends. So until then, this is thevoid99 signing off…

© thevoid99 2019


Brittani Burnham said...

I forgot Lego Movie 2 came out this year already. I was so disappointed in it.

Tony said...

House is so awesome! If it was a little easier to find, I would watch it every Halloween!

Chris said...

Nice of you to look after your nephew. House is an insane, fun horror. I remember Bill Hader wore a T-shirt from that film for a funny edition of Criterion Collection:

I agree we can’t make big changes but can do little things for the planet like solar power, use short programs on our dishwasher, fly less, live closer to our job so we pollute less. It all helps.