Friday, December 27, 2019

Blog News: Blog Plans for 2020

2019 sucked. It fucking sucked. Anyone who says "it's 2019" or "it's 2020" is going to get fucking punched in fucking throat. I am in no mood for people saying "you can't say this or say that because it's offensive". I have a sore throat and coughing up a storm. I'm not feeling jolly as I'm still dealing with the fact that my dad isn't here anymore. His passing was really terrifying and I'm still not over it. Everything that I had plan to do went away as I found myself not really wanting to do anything for a time. Plus, having to take care for my nephew while his parents go and work. There's not much time to really do anything. I'm not sure if that will change for 2020 as it's likely I won't reach that elusive goal of watching 500 films in a year.

Now that I have access to Netflix, AppleTV, and Disney+ as well as digital cable and my local library as well as having acquired a lot of DVDs during the holidays. There is still a lot that I hope to do for the new year. Along with films in my never-ending DVR list, I also have the films that I plan to see for the 2020 Blind Spot Series. There are also some things that I want to do for next year:

Take part in the 52 Films by Women pledge in the hopes to reach 52 films directed by women that I've never seen.

Do more films from Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia.

Diversify more with mainstream films and art films.

Catch up on films by previous Auteurs subjects such as Woody Allen, Jason Reitman, Francois Ozon, and others.

Have the Cannes Film Festival Marathon from May 12-23.

Those are among the things I hope to do as well as finish the MCU is Cinema project as I've only 3/7 done so far. That's the only major project that I'm doing as I have no interest in taking part in other projects as one I was hoping to do in tribute to my dad has been scrapped as I just prefer to finish the MCU project into the New Year. Then there's the Auteurs series as I had to suspend it for the rest of the year. I have no plans to add anything new as instead I'm just going to go back to work on the subjects that I had hoped to do in 2019:

January-March-Kelly Reichardt

April-June-J.C. Chandor

July-September-Michael Mann

October-December-David Lean

That's all I'm likely to do for 2020 as I have no plans to do anything for The Void-Go-Round unless NIN is planning to do another tour or there's a band/singer that I will see. Until then, this is thevoid99 signing off...

© thevoid99 2019


  1. Cheers. Here's to hitting goals.

  2. 2019 did suck. You've got quite the goals set for 2020, I look forward to reading them.

  3. @Jay-Thank you.


    @Brittani-2019 sucked fucking ass. Glad to know I'm not the only person who thought it sucked.

  4. Can't wait to read your posts - so many great ideas there!

  5. @ThePunkTheory-Thanks.

  6. I'll be here, reading.

  7. I look forward to your takes on Kelly Reichardt's films. My favorites of her work are Wendy & Lucy and Certain Women.

  8. @Chris-I was nearly half-done with the essay on Reichardt in June but after what happened with my dad, I just suspended everything.
