Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday Movie Picks: (TV Edition) Family Comedies


For the 13th week of 2022 as part of Wandering Through the Shelves' Thursday Movie Picks. We go into the world of television in the form of family comedies. Shows that showcase families dealing with their lives and often put themselves into some funny situations and also some serious moments. Here are my three picks:

1. Married… with Children
If anyone here doesn’t think this is one of the greatest shows ever made. I will fucking the shit out of all of you. It’s one thing for a Bundy to insult another Bundy but when someone else outside of the family or their circle of friends insult them. No one will survive. It is a show about a man who sells women’s shoes as he is married to a lazy slob of a wife who does nothing but watch TV with a dumbass but gorgeous daughter and an intelligent yet socially-awkward son. He lives next door to a feminist with has chicken legs and was married to a banker who leaves her and the yuppie world as she later married an aging pretty-boy who often joins Al Bundy in a series of shenanigans. What a great fucking show.

2. Family Matters
A show about a working class family in the suburbs of Chicago as they deal with many changes where its patriarch is a cop, the mother operates an elevator at a store, and they have three kids but also the patriarch’s mother, the matriarch’s sister and her baby boy. Then came their nerdy neighbor Steve Urkel who brings in a bunch of hilarious moments and the show becomes a massive hit. A staple of shows on ABC known as TGIF that also included the show it spun-off from in Perfect Strangers plus Full House and Step by Step. For anyone who was grew up in the late 80s/early 90s, this was the shit and this show with this nerdy kid who causes mayhem though he didn’t mean to made it a joy to watch until the last few seasons and then was moved to CBS in its final season. Fuck CBS.

3. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
A young man from West Philadelphia is playing basketball and then gets into a little fight and his mom gets scared where she has him moving to Bel-Air where his relatives live. The relatives that featured Uncle Phil, Aunt Viv, Hilary, Ashley, the butler Geoffrey, and the greatest character ever in Carlton. It’s a show where a kid from the hood is brought to the posh world of Bel-Air as he adjust to his new world while making fat jokes at his uncle and short jokes towards Carlton but he loves this family. Even as the family also have to endure things that Will often has to face with the privileged Carlton having to learn about racism but also the meaning of what being black really means. It is a great show that still endures as it’s always fun to watch Carlton dance to Tom Jones and there’s nothing wrong with Tom Jones. Any motherfucker who disses Tom Jones will have to answer to my dead abuela!

© thevoid99 2022


  1. Married… with Children is hilarious!! Boy, I can never see Will Smith the same way again after the fiasco that was the Oscars.

  2. All three of these are classics! Family Matter is probably my favorite of the bunch.

  3. Love Married, With Children. Buddy f his wifenhave such a great banter. I never get t not the last 2 you chose. I may watch fresh Peince but I can’t stand Urkel
