Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday Movie Picks: Maze


For the 19th week of 2022 as part of Wandering Through the Shelves' Thursday Movie Picks. We go into the simple subject of maze as it’s a device that is featured in films whether it is to escape something or is part of some obstacle. Here are my three picks:

1. Labyrinth
From Jim Henson and screenwriter Terry Jones of Monty Python is a film that is about a young teenage girl who loves fantasy but couldn’t handle reality as she isn’t fond of having to take care of her baby brother where she makes a wish that she would regret. The film does have this character in Sarah, played with such charisma by Jennifer Connelly, going through a maze and other obstacles to get her brother back from this mysterious figure in Jareth the Goblin King played with such gusto by David Bowie. It is a film that is a lot of fun to watch with some awesome music from Bowie.

2. Cube
Vincenzo Natali’s 1997 cult film about a group of people inside a series of cube-shaped rooms as they have to escape this labyrinth of rooms. It is a film that is filled with a lot of suspense and a strong ensemble cast as it involves this small group of people trying to survive as they have no idea why they’re in this cube and how to escape the whole thing. It is a film that for anyone who was around in the 1990s that saw this would be aware of how inventive it was back then and why its cult has continue to grow as it would be followed by a sequel, a prequel, and a recent Japanese remake released last year.

3. Inception
From Christopher Nolan is one of the finest films of the 21st Century so far as it is about a man who is hired a businessman to enter the mind of a rival businessman to break apart his ailing father’s business so that they wouldn’t become another superpower. With a team involved, Leonardo DiCaprio leads this team to enter Cillian Murphy’s mind as they have to endure all sorts of obstacles as they also have to deal with the ghost of Marion Cotillard and imagine the weapons they create. It is a film that still holds up and anyone who loves that movie are still waiting for the sequel…. Inception 2: Electric Boogaloo.

© thevoid99 2022


  1. I picked Labyrinth too. Love the Inception pick as well.

  2. Cube is a great pick for this. Such a weird little movie.

  3. Nice picks! I've never heard of Cube, I'm going to have to look that up.

  4. Labyrinth is the big choice this week. I picked it as well and just love it. I need to see it again. Inception made my mind spin just like in the film. It's quite inventive. I have not seen Cube but sounds eerie and confining

  5. Inception is a great pick!
