Thursday, July 07, 2022

Thursday Movie Picks: Fairs


For the 26th week of 2022 as part of Wandering Through the Shelves' Thursday Movie Picks. We go into the subject of fairs as it’s a place where people go to have some fun or to see something new happening. Here are my three picks as they all feature Chris Evans:

1. Cellular
An underrated thriller in which a young Chris Evans is working at a fair boardwalk in California has him getting a phone call from Kim Basinger who is taken hostage by Jason Statham over a ransom. Part of the film is set on the boardwalk in Santa Monica as there’s a lot going on with the climax set in a fair where Evans does what he can to outwit the bad guys with the help of William H. Macy while also trying to win over Jessica Biel.

2. Captain America: The First Avenger
The film that helped make Evans a superstar as well as one of the finest films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has Evans in the titular role. Yet, one of the film’s early scenes have him at an expo in Queens hosted by a young Howard Stark. It’s a small scene but it shows exactly the future of what a young Steve Rogers is embarking on as well as go to a room where he would meet the man who would change his fate but also would give him the chance to be of service and later become Captain America.

3. Playing It Cool
A film that is underrated as a rom-com that has Evan as a screenwriter trying to write a rom-com where he meets and falls for Michelle Monaghan as there is a scene of the two having some fun in a fair although she is engaged to Evans’ Fantastic Four co-star Ioan Gruffud. Who the hell would pick Reed Richards over Johnny Storm? It is a silly film but it is fun and has some hilarious moments including a scene of both Evans and Monaghan switching gender roles.

© thevoid99 2022


  1. Loving the Chris Evans theme, none in common this week bit three to look out for now.

  2. Love the Chris Evans theme! Easily the most beautiful Chris. I know I saw Celluar in theaters but I do not remember a single thing about it

  3. GreT theme qith Chris Evans. I'd like to see that first one which sounds intriguing. I've seen Capt. America and it is a good movie. I don't know the last one but I would give it a try.

  4. Ooooh I love the theme within the theme!
    I've only seen the Captain America movie, though.
