Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thursday Movie Picks (Halloween Edition): Teen Horror

For the 41st week of 2019 as part of Wandering Through the Shelves' Thursday Movie Picks. We continue the Halloween-based theme by focusing on teen horror films as it’s a popular part of horror as it play into young people getting themselves into some fucked-up shit and either act stupid to get themselves killed or they grow up to handle the situation. Here are my three picks all based on films that came out in the 2010s:

1. The Cabin in the Woods

Drew Goddard’s 2011 horror film is based on a simple premise that’s been done a million times in which five college kids go to a cabin in the middle of the woods and all sorts of shit happen where each one gets killed off. Yet, it’s a film that has an added twist that include the fact that the fate of these kids are controlled by an underground force where two technicians are the ones controlling the fates of these kids and how they’re killed. Yet, it would take a couple of characters to break away from their stereotypes to make a discovery that would amp things up as it is one of the finest horror films of this decade.

2. It Follows

David Robert Mitchell’s 2014 horror film revolves around a young woman who has sex with a guy who gives her a sexually-transmitted disease as she is then stalked around by dead people. It’s a film that plays into the dangers of promiscuous sex where Maika Monroe, in a breakthrough performance, deals with what happens to her as she and her friends try to find a way to hide from the dead and these supernatural beings. It’s a film that is much smarter than it should’ve been while also offering something that is more about characters and consequence than emphasis on cheap scares and gore.

3. Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

A trio of boy scouts team up with a cocktail waitress from a strip club to kill a bunch of zombies wreaking havoc in a small town. It’s a film that never takes itself seriously as it play into the idea of growing pains and trying to fit in with older high school kids as some of them are total assholes. Even as two of the scouts want to go to the senior high school party but have to deal with the zombies as they’re joined by the other scout who still wants to do boy scouts stuff. It’s a film that often brings in laughs while not afraid to use gore in a comical manner as well as showcase teens for who they are as one of them gets to cop-a-feel a zombie trooper’s bare breasts.

© thevoid99 2019


ThePunkTheory said...

I watched Cabin in the Woods for the very first time only last week. What a funny and smart film!

Brittani Burnham said...

I never did see Scouts Guide but I love your first two picks. Especially Cabin in the Woods, which remains high on my all time favorites list.

Often Off Topic said...

Oh I nearly picked Cabin in the Woods myself! I've never seen Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse but I've only heard good things about it.

Birgit said...

I haven't seen any of your picks but I heard nothing but good things about Cabin in the Woods. Your last film sounds quite funny

VinnieH said...

Cabin in the Woods is excellent in twisting expectations. One of things I loved most about it.