Sunday, December 26, 2021

Blog News: Blog Plans for 2022


2021 is coming to an end but the pandemic might not be ending due to the fact that there's a new threat emerging with a new COVID variant. Even though this year got people back in the movie theaters, the idea it might get shut down again is looming. There's also the fact that I'm an uncle to two kids which prevents me from watching as many films as I can as I have to devote my attention to them while their parents are at work. The fact that I have access to some streaming services does allow me the chance to watch some films that aren't available in theaters or in other cable channels will make things easier but there's also some shows as that is another medium that I'm interested in as Disney+, Netflix, and Apple TV+ have things I'd like to watch.

Given that a new year is coming as I now have a Blu-Ray/DVD player and access to streaming services with hopefully more to come. This also marks the end of relying on torrents and other places due to legal issues that is being resolved as I don't want to get into anymore trouble. Fortunately, there's several DVD/Blu-Rays that are available that I can have access to as many of them are from Criterion as the films I chose for the 2022 Blind Spot Series are available on Criterion DVD/Blu-Ray and the Criterion Channel as I hope to get access to that and MUBI.

Due to the films I own on DVD/Blu-Ray from Criterion that also features many extras based on this list, there are also films in my never-ending DVR list as it's something I'm starting to get tired of as there's very little room on the films I want to watch while some of them are available on streaming services. I still want to take part on the 52 Films by Women pledge as I really hope to reach the 52 goal for 2022.

This year's Cannes Film Festival marathon was a mess given that it was done in July and I had a hard time trying to schedule everything as that is something I hope to never do again. With the 2022 Cannes Film Festival returning to May from May 17-28, I am planning to do an all Palme d'Or edition for that festival but it will not feature as many films like I have done with the past mainly because I don't have the time to watch 10-13 films in the span of 10 days. I was hoping to do a project devoted entirely to the best films of the 2010s but I'm pushing it to either 2023-2024 at this point as I doubt I can have the time and energy to do something like this.
Instead, I really want to finish on the Auteurs pieces I had planned in 2019 in Kelly Reichardt, J.C. Chandor, Michael Mann, and David Lean as I had been struggling to get back on board and I really want to work on these filmmakers and the films they've done. Even as I'm close to finishing up the film work on Chandor with Mann and Lean following close by. Once I finish those 4 filmmakers, I will take another hiatus on those projects to hopefully work on other unfinished projects and then figure out who to do next as there's several that I want to do including Twin Peaks now that I have the DVDs for the entire series as well as The Missing Pieces.

I think that will be it for what might happen in 2022 as I doubt I will do anything for The Void-Go-Round even though I am aware that NIN is going to Atlanta but as part of a music festival which I have no interest in as I prefer to watch NIN in an arena or an amphitheater given what happened a few months ago in Houston. Until then, this is thevoid99 signing off...

© thevoid99 2021


  1. I hope we get through 2022 without theaters closing. Sadly, I think that if we do it won't be because we beat the virus, but because businesses will raise enough stink that there won't be a lockdown. So, it'll be an interesting year on that front.

    There's so much good stuff from Criterion out there, and other companies, too. I hope you enjoy everything on your Blind Spot list.

    I did manage to complete the 52 Films By Women pledge. It's something you have to do with intent because it's really difficult to accidentally watch that many movies directed by women. If you're just randomly picking movies when the mood strikes you could go weeks, or even months without finding one. It can definitely be done, but it's very easy to fall behind.

    Have a great year!

  2. @Wendell-I'm waiting to get my booster shot though I know things could still be pretty bad but I just hope things don't get worse.

    The 52 Films by Women pledge is difficult as for me, it was timing that what prevented me from reaching that goal though I hope to do so next year but not forcefully.
